Bellevue Churches Commitment to Anti-Racism
As white & non-Black POC church members in Bellevue, WA and the Eastside, who belong to the broader global Church community, we sign this public commitment to the life-long process of anti-racism in our personal lives, in our churches, and in the communities we live in.
In doing so, we lament:
The unjust murders of George Floyd, Amhaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, and countless others from within the Black community at the hands of law enforcement.
The systemic, cultural, and personal violence inflicted upon our Black brothers and sisters.
The institutionalized racism within our country’s structures that have oppressed non-white people, historically and present-day.
The unavoidable infiltration of racism within our own theology and understanding of God, that elevates any racial or ethnic group over the diversity of God’s own image and character.
We repent of:
Our sin of complicity as members of the Church in helping to create these systems of oppression, directly or indirectly.
Our sin of silence regarding physical and systemic violence inflicted on our Black brothers and sisters historically, and present-day.
Our sin of ignorance or denial for our own racism and history of racism.
We commit to:
Listening to and learning from Black voices and perspectives.
The journey of anti-racism as a core piece of discipleship through education, prayer, and action both individually, and communally.
Using our voices and our privilege to amplify our Black brothers and sisters, and to advocate for equity and systemic change in our churches and societies.
Dismantling and rebuilding our church structures to reflect the diversity of God’s kingdom.
Unlearning racism in the context of Christianity, and seeking out diverse voices within the Church to inform our understanding of God’s character and the Gospel.